About Us

tante is dedicated to supporting tourism and hospitality organizations that seek to be changemakers. Our primary services include strategy development, workshops & engagement, and branding & storytelling. We bring together a network of collaborators who are at the top of their various fieldsincluding photography & video production, graphic design, equity & justice, and PR & marketingto deliver high-quality, well-rounded service and results.

  • “tante", French for "aunt," represents my favourite job in the world and acts as a reminder of the most important things in life. I take my role as an auntie of three quite seriously and must say, I'm pretty great at it! To me, being an aunt means being ever-present for the kids in my life, offering guidance and support when they need me. It means being a positive influence on their growth and evolution. It means caring for them as though they are my own, but understanding where my responsibilities begin and end. With this in mind, the name seemed apt for this business; we’re here to lead, guide, support and care for our clients. We want to see you thrive, and we’re here to help make that happen.


Our Values


We embody a people-centric approach to business and life. When you take care of the people around you, they'll take care of you. We live this out in the way we engage with our collaborators and clients.


tante collaborates with individuals who are leaders in their field, from various career and life backgrounds, to ensure we bring a breadth of perspective to our work with you. This translates into meaningful, impactful results.​

Anti-racism & anti-oppression

We know the work we do can dismantle harmful systems & beliefs. As such, anti-oppressive, anti-racist practice is always integrated in the work we do with our clients, thanks to our collaborators like Black In Hospitality.


We see workplaces as communities just the same as neighbourhoods or regions. In any case, we value bringing people together to work toward growth & development for the greater good.


Brands we’ve worked with