Our Projects

Here’s a sampling of just some of the work we’ve done with our collaborators since launching in 2022.


Sylvan Lake Destination Leadership & Management Plan

In collaboration with a diverse team of collaborators, tante is completing a 10-year Destination Leadership & Management Plan (DLMP) for the Town of Sylvan Lake, AB. Developed “with the community, for the community,” the DLMP aims to empower locals to leverage tourism as a tool to enhance pride of place and quality of life. In addition to in-depth desk research and reviewing multiple local, regional, and provincial reports, creative and robust community engagement efforts inform the final strategy. The DLMP’s strategic directions, recommendations and actions encompass product development, visitor management, organizational capacity, private-public-community partnerships, placemaking, marketing and more.


Little Canada Branding and Storytelling Development & Implementation

tante has been working with Toronto-based attraction, Little Canada, since Summer 2023. Our initial project was to develop Branding & Storytelling Guidelines as a tool to enhance the impact of marketing, partnership development and guest attraction efforts. The process included case study research, as well as interviews, workshops, focus groups and activations with the Little Canada teams, partners, past visitors and prospective visitors. The final Branding and Storytelling Guidelines define elements such as a Brand Story & Promise, Tone & Voice, Target Audiences and Photo & Video Guidelines. In collaboration with This Renegade Love, a Brand Culture and Onboarding Report was also delivered, to guide internal brand implementation.


City of Pickering Community Engagement & Visioning

In Spring 2024, tante was enlisted to lead a workshop series for the City of Pickering, engaging internal and external parties to inform a vision for the new Seaton Recreation Complex and Library (SRCL). Taking a creative approach to the sessions, the team engaged more than 100 people through six workshops. From there, we dissected key takeaways and presented the City with a Summary of Findings, including a Vision & Guiding Principles, to inform the next steps in developing the SRCL. This was tante’s second time working with Pickering, having supported a similar project as it related to Pickering’s new Heritage & Community Centre (PHCC) in 2023.


Hamilton Festival Theatre Company Marketing & Growth Plan

As the Hamilton Festival Theatre Company navigates a new arts & culture landscape post-pandemic, the organization was seeking support to develop a community-informed Marketing & Growth Plan. In collaboration with Le Code Switch and KS-Marketing, tante developed a three-year strategy. The process included case study research and in-depth engagement with the HFTco team, partners and community members. The final deliverables included recommendations for digital & traditional marketing, content development and resource allocation, with well-defined timelines, budgets and KPIs.


Town of Perth Economic Development Marketing Plan

The Town of Perth, Ontario engaged KLB Consulting and tante to design a marketing strategy to help them build brand equity and attract new residents, businesses and investments. The project process included robust background research, community engagement, and case study research. The final plan provides recommendations and actions within specific directional areas: Enhance & Prepare, Engage & Attract. The associated Implementation Plan provides direction regarding success networks, budgets and timelines.


County of Frontenac Tourism Brand Expansion

In collaboration with B4brand, tante’s services were enlisted to lead a tourism brand expansion for Frontenac County. The objective was to evaluate the County’s existing brand application and make recommendations for its evolution to support local tourism development investments. In addition to conducting background and case study research, the project team hosted creative engagement efforts to uncover “what makes Frontenac, Frontenac.” Frontenac’s Tourism Brand Guidelines, which can be found here, capture the essence of the County as a place to live, work and play.


Town of Caledon Tourism Planning & Collaboration

The Town of Caledon sought out the services of tante consulting inc. for support in establishing a direction for near-term tourism activities. In an effort to define a plan based on the needs of local tourism businesses, two workshops were hosted with unique groups of participants, A report summarizing key takeaways from the workshops, and further providing high-level recommendations was provided as a final deliverable.